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How Your Menstrual Cycle Affects You Each Week, Or What To Expect When You’re Not Expecting (Bustle)

Q: I’ve been on hormonal birth control since I was a teenager. I recently went off and have been getting a natural cycle for the first time. I know every body is different, but I feel like I don’t really know what to expect week to week I feel PMS and a week where I seem hornier (that I’m guessing is ovulation?), but I’d love to more know about what to expect each week of my menstrual cycle.

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Are Abortions Safe? What You Should Know About The Medical Procedure That Is Your Right (Bustle)

Q: I have a question about abortion. It’s so sensationalized in the news and politics these days, I’m having a hard time figuring out how dangerous abortion actually is. Can you explain the risks involved?

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Why Is My Vagina Dry During Sex, and What Can I Do To Make It Wet? 6 Common Culprits For Dryness, and Your Solutions (Bustle)

Q: I think there may be something wrong with my vagina. It’s always dry, even when I know I’m super turned on. It’s not only awkward, but it makes sex hurt and guys never believe me when I say that I really am into it, I’m just not wet. Is there anything I can do to make my vagina less dry? And why is it happening?

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Does The Pill Lower Your Libido? How Hormonal Birth Control Affects Sex Drive, and What You Can Do About It (Bustle)

Q: I went on the pill a few months ago because I’m not ready to have a baby yet, but I love having sex. But ever since I went on birth control, I’ve felt way less into sex, and it’s putting strain on my relationship with my boyfriend. My ob/gyn never warned me that this could happen. What’s going on? What should I do to get my libido back?

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Should I Freeze My Eggs at 30 or Even Earlier? Everything You Need To Know About Oocyte Cryopreservation (Bustle)

Q: I’m a 27 year old woman who is not interested in having kids right now, but is very excited to have them someday. However, I know that if I wait too long, it can be harder to get pregnant, right? And I’ve also heard that you’re more likely to have a kid with certain conditions if you get pregnant later in life, although I don’t really get why that is. I’ve been thinking about freezing my eggs by age 30, but I really don’t know what it entails, or if I’m even too late to do that at my age. Can you explain how egg freezing works and give me some more information to help me make this serious life decision?

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Do I Have a UTI? How To Get Rid Of and Prevent Urinary Tract Infections (Bustle)

Q: I had sex a couple days ago, and now my vagina and bladder feels really … not good. I know it’s not a sexually transmitted infection, because my boyfriend and I just got tested last month and we are monogamous and use condoms. But everything feels painful and off. I read online that I could have a urinary tract infection … what is that, how did I get it, and how do I make it go away? Because IT HURTS!!

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How To Know If Your Menstrual Cramps Are Abnormal, and What You Can Do To Make PMS Less Terrible (Bustle)

Q: I know that everyone complains about hurting during their period but it seems like my cramps are much worse than most of my friends. Everything just hurts for days before and during, and it’s driving me insane! Is there something wrong with me? Can I do anything to make this go away?

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Why Does My Vagina Smell? How to Know If Odor Changes Mean You Have a Problem (Bustle)

Q: Sometimes, I worry that my vagina smells. It seems like it’s different at different times of the month, but how do I know whether it’s just normal fluctuations in my cycle or unhealthy? Sometimes, when my boyfriend goes down on me he likes it, and sometimes he says it smells … not great. Is he being a dick, or is it a sign that something might be wrong?

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Does Truvada Work? How PrEP Helps Prevent HIV, and Whether It Might Be For You (Bustle)

Q: I’ve been seeing a guy who I really like, but I’m freaking out because he just told me he is HIV positive. I want to be with him but I’m terrified — I don’t want to get the disease! I know about condoms, but my friend told me about this new pill that I can take to protect myself, does that really exist? Does it work? And where do I get it?

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Is Having Sex Without a Condom Always Bad? The Risks of Pulling Out and Other Unprotected Sex, Because Just The Tip Is a Real Thing (Bustle)

Q: I always use condoms when I have sex. I’m not on the pill, but the thing is, sometimes I miss unprotected sex (I was on the pill before). Sometimes I’ll let a guy just duck in for a minute or two if he doesn’t think he has pre-cum. How dangerous is that? If I go down on a guy without a condom is that a risk of anything? Just wondering how strict I have to be.